
Ely Firemen

A couple photos of Ely firemen.  Thanks to the identity help from Ely residents on the Ely Facebook group, I found an article in the Monday, May 28, 1956 Cedar Rapids Gazette of the top photo.  It reads: 

NEW HELMETS, NEW TRUCK FOR ELY FIREMEN - Members of the College-Putnam Townships volunteer fire department at Ely proudly display new equipment - which ranges from new safety helmets to a brand new fire truck. Picture was taken Saturday. In the photo are (front row, left to right): Ed Vavra, Bob Zeman and Dan McCune. Standing are (left to right) Assistant Chief Bill Hajek, Bill Kadlec, Bob Malatek, Ed Jones and Duane Tobias.

     Click the photo to enlarge: 
Back Row
: Assistant Chief Bill Hajek, Bill Kadlec, Bob Maletek, Ed "Sunk" Jones,
and Duane (Toby) Tobias.
Front Row: Ed Vavra, Bob Zeman and Dan McCune, former Chief.
Click the photo to enlarge it.
1. Ed Vavra , 2. Bob Zeman  3.Dan McCune, former Chief  4. Assistant Chief Bill Hajek
5. Bill Kadlec  6. Bob Maletek, 7. Ed "Sunk" Jones, and 8. Duane (Toby) Tobias

Read about the history of the Ely Fire Department (off-site link). 

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